
Assignment #8

1. Our passion project is halfway done. We have done our research online, but still need to interview people. The research was a lot so it was about half of the project. 2. We have not taken pictures of the websites we have taken and are planning on possibly taking videos of our interviews. 3. We still are not sure what platform we want to post our project on because we do not really want to make a you tube video so we are not positive on what to do yet. 4. To me, the best part of the project has been the learning experience. I have learned a few techniques that i have tried and found helpful so that has helped me in my school work. 5. As of right now, I do not have questions but if questions come up I will not hesitate to ask.
1) For my project Tommy and I are working together to try and create a resource that students can use to help them get their work done on time and get it done efficiently. A majority of the student body are big procrastinators including ourselves and it make for a stressful night the day before the work is due so this resource would be available to students for them to use when they have work that id due so they can try and get it done efficiently and on time. 2) There are really only a few steps involved in putting our project together. First, we need to gather information on ways to help limit procrastination. Next, we need to talk to some students and teachers to get their view on the situation and why they they think they do it so that our project makes sense and students can actually relate to it. Last, we just need to put it all together. We haven't decided how we are going to do this yet but we need to find a way to gather all of our information and out it together so that...
1.  Our first passion project step was to look up various anti-procrastinating techniques online to start to try and understand various strategies.  These will be helpful for further investigtigation into the subject. 2. It went pretty well.  We found a descent amount of ideas on procrastinating and motivators to help you get your work done on time.  These ideals were all pretty simple and easy to do yourself.  3.  Next, we are planning on reaching out to some teachers on their opinion about the subject.  We want to find out their opinion on it, why the think people do it, and ways they think it could be minimized or stopped.  This will give us another view on the subject to further understand the subject.
1.) For our project, Tommy and I are going to be trying to come up with ways to help students stop procrastinating and help them get their work done on time. 2.) Our next step is to do some research on how to stop or partially stop procrastination.  We can do this by researching ideas online, talking to students, and possibly talking to teachers about their view and opinions on it. 3.)  We will do this by spending class on Monday and or time over the weekend reaching out to students, looking up solutions online, and talking to teachers about their view on it and how they think it can be stopped.
1.)   My type is ESTP. I am 47% Extrovert, 34% Sensing, 28% Thinking, and 3% Perceiving.  2.) Three c haracteristics of my type are a risk taker, thrill seeker, and outgoing. 3.) I agree with my rating. I am mostly outgoing and I sometimes think things through.  I also am good at sensing things and rarely perceived things. 4.) Three possible job choices for people of my job type are Business management, Sales/Marketing specialist, and Entrepreneurship. 5.)   People of my type often learn best by using hands-on learning. 6.) Famous people with my learning type include Donald Trump, Michael J. Fox, and Joan Cusack.

First Passion Project Update

Brainstorm for Passion Project  I have a little bit of overlap in my posts.  I wrote a lot about traveling, track, and my future which I  hope is in the medical field. My future is something that is really intriguing to me.  My ideal future is to do something in the medical field in New York City living in a high rise apartment. I love to travel and would love to visits every state in the United States of America, and most of the major cities in the world. City life is very appealing to me.  I like how nothing is spread out and is usually within a few blocks of you. I could incorporate my future, training for a half marathon, and living in a city all together becaus e you could live in a city while training for a half marathon.  My half marathon goal is not very important to me right now in my life but it is something I would like to achieve by the time I die.  For my passion project i could possibly research life in the city and what it is like.